Benefits of Milk Thistle are known from the ages. The plant has been using by ancient Greek and Romes. Many researches confirm that it is very useful when it comes to liver and its treatment. It can easily fight many liver diseases and disorders.
Milk Thistle is getting more and more attention in the field of natural medicine. Everything thanks to sylimarine that has an incredibly positive influence on liver condition. The plant prevents body from losing too much of glutathione. If consumed regularly, it can increase its level in your body by 30%.
It is also a great way to protect your body from harmful substances, for example from free radicals. Being also a very powerful antioxidant (even more powerful than well-known vitamin C and vitamin E).
There are other key benefits that milk thistle is known for. Those include: regenerating and improving general condition of liver and kidney, increasing the production of gastric juice, and improving appetite.
Extracts of milk thistle will let you detoxify your blood vessels, stop internal bleeding, and cause mild contraction of blood vessels.
– My liver was in an awful condition -until the moment when I found out about milk thistle and its benefits. I visited my nutritionists who mixed two ingredients I had to consume for 30 days. One of them was milk thistle. The results were incredible!
When should you include milk thistle in your diet?
– Recovering states after toxic and metabolic damage of liver that could have been caused by long-term antibiotic treatments, alcohol abuse,
– Liver dysfunction caused by poor diet;
– Hepatitis C, inflammation of the bile ducts and gall bladder;
– Gallstones (preventive and curative);
– Protection of liver of people suffering from alcoholism and who are undergoing drug treatment;
– Cirrhosis and liver degeneration;
– Lack of appetite, bloating, belching;
– Liver protection from parenchyma;
– Kidney protection from ravages of poison;
– Bleeding: from nose, bowel disease, haemorrhoids, and prolonged menstruation.
– Migraine headaches reduction;
– Stopping prolonged menstruation.
Contraindications: None
Undesirable effects: If taken in the recommended doses, milk thistle does not cause any harm, even when used in long-term.
The main active compound of milk thistle, silymarin , is known as a substance that protects liver in a very efficient way.
Many studies have been conducted that have shown that the substance increases production of gluthioane in about 30%, and thus significantly improves the process of detoxification. It also stimulates protein synthesis in the liver – it supports and increases the growth of healthy liver cells.
Milk thistle has also one another really interesting benefit: it shows an ability to stimulate protein synthesis. It causes an increased production of liver cells, thus it allows to replace old and damaged cells.
It is important to mention that silymarin does not cause growth of cancer liver cells.
"My liver was completely damaged. I thought nothing can help me. But then, a well-known nutritionists show me a combination of two ingredients. My liver got totally renew in less than 30 days..."
The recent research that has been conducted shows that silymarin has an ability to prevent liver cells from viruses and it may also be used to prevent and treat gallstones.
19 patients (4 people with gallstones and 15 people with removed gallbladder) noticed huge improvements of their health condition – significant reduction of cholesterol in a bile and bile saturation index.
Silymarin has an ability to significantly increase glutathione levers in the liver, thus it is used as one of the ways to enhance the antioxidant system. Gluthione can be used for enhanced production of gluthione peroxidase – it is the strongest enzyme when it comes to fighting free radicals.
Silymarin is also useful in the treatment of liver damage cased by viruses, both in the acute and chronic viral hepatitis.
One study that has been conducted (29 patients with viral hepatitis took part in it) has proved the therapeutic effect of silymarin on the distinctive elevated levels of serum bilirubin and liver enzymes.
After the 5th day of treatments, many patients from the group noticed greater regression of laboratory paramagnets. The number of those patients was higher than the number of patients with the same answer in a placebo group.
When taken in large doses (420 mg) for a period of 3-12 months, silymarin reduces damage of liver cells (can be proven by carrying out a biopsy), increases protein level in the blood, and decreases the level of liver enzymes.

Thank you for all the entries, pieces of information, and messages. I have studied them carefully, even though I do not always comment them. I had my gallbladder stones removed a few days ago. If not your website, I would be really afraid. :)
Hello. I have just started using milk thistle. I want to improve the condition of my liver. Since 2005, I haven't drunk any alcohol and since 1997 I don't smoke at all. Unfortunately, I can't say no to tasty fried food. I hope the AIT and AST levels in my body will get reduced soon.
Hello, I'm just after ultrasound and MRI of the abdomen. My doctor detected a change that marked as hemangiomas - one larger (2.5 cm), and one smaller (1.05 cm). Beside that, all of my internal organs are in good condition. My liver is not enlarged. Everything thanks to the use of milk thistle that results in absorption of hemangiomas – I am sure.
Very useful information, thanks a lot! But I would like to mention one thing: please be careful when consuming the first does. Take it in the afternoon. I say so because I know that after approx. 6 hours really unpleasant symptoms of detox may appear. They happen very rarely, but they do. Unfortunately, nobody really mentions it. When you notice that something unpleasant going on with your body, drink a lot of water. You should be fine the next day.
I have been using milk thistle regularly for about 4 months. The results are incredible. I have finally got rid of almost every atopic dermatily that I have been struggling with for 43 years. After so many years of taking steroids, I haven't had skin anymore – it looked like a very thin paper. Right now, I do not take any medications and I can't believe it. I added flaxseed to milk thistle – and the combination is simply amazing. I highly recommend it to everybody.
I like to brew milk thistle for 10 minutes and drain it so that the suspension has no sharp scales.
After 3 months of taking milk thistle I have noticed... lactation. My breasts were hurting so much. But I got good medication from my gynaecologist and everything started to be ok again. I can use milk thistle, but I need to make breaks from time to time. I have learned that milk thistle has been used before as the best cure to stimulate lactation.
I have started taking milk thistle when I finished my chemotherapy, because my liver needed a safe way to cure. I must say that It has helped me a lot. I recommend it...
Hello! I drink 1-3 thistle milk oil every day before eating. My stomach accepted it – no unpleasant surprises. I have already drunk one 250 ml bottle and made a month break, then I started another one. Effects? My stomach works well. I have had quite many problems with taking big amounts of medications before. My family member also started drinking that oil and everybody seems many benefits. It is worth to try one spoon of the oil on empty stomach, without adding any water to it. All the best.
I suffer from diagnosed tuberculosis. I am still in a hospital, being fed with many different medications. I do not smoke or drink. I always eat healthy. But one day I begun to have liver afflictions.I wonder if I can use milk thistle and if so, what is the best way? Let me know please!
Hello. I have lung and liver tumour. I had been using milk thistle before, for a year, and I haven't even thought that I could have had a liver cancer. I felt wonderful. Two weeks ago I experienced really strong pain from the right side. My first contact doctor told me that my liver in enlarged and sent me to abdominal ultrasound and a blood test. After that, I quickly found myself in hospital. CT showed a tumour in my left lung and metastasis to the liver. They started examining me carefully and took material to check. I am waiting to see what kind of cancer do I suffer from. I am currently thinking if I can start taking milk thistle again. Won't it have a bad influence on my body? I had been taking it before and nothing happened. Once I stopped using it, my liver began to be worse and worse. Thanks!
Hello. I was taking milk thistle together with dandelion root for about 2 months. After that time I began to feel awful. I was suffering from really strong stomach ache, but it looks like everything started with overproduction of gastric acid (this was, however, caused by dandelion root – I am sure). The pain was getting stronger and stronger, so I took something to purge and diarrhoea begun. It last for about a week. My liver was significantly enlarged (I felt a tension in the right part of my stomach, just under ribs). Besides, I was experiencing strong pain from time to time during a day, especially after 10 PM. After a few days I came to a conclusion: it must be liver and gall bladder. While I was using milk thistle and dandelion root, I found a very interesting book of Tombak. He answered all my questions perfectly. For example, he explained when all organs works in the most intensive way and why we all should know it. It is incredibly important to observe your own body. I even recommend taking some notes. Then you will learn more about your body, what it asks for and what it needs from you. I have stopped taking milk thistle when I have begun to experience stronger and stronger stomach ache. I think it was a huge mistake. I have noticed that my liver was getting even bigger and bigger. I was feeling discomfort under my ribs on the right side. Tombak writes that you should use medications for your liver between 1 and 3 PM. I have understood why after almost 2 months when I started using the milk thistle treatment. After 2 weeks my body started getting crazy. So I totally agree with Tombak's words.
Liver detoxification will always be painful. It is impossible not to experience pain. If you decide to use milk thistle, the whole process will take much more time if only you will use it in inappropriate hours. If you want to get rid of all the dirty substances that are inside you, there is no other way. When my diarrhea finished, my stomach was so painful for the next whole week. I really felt that my liver was very enlarged. The easiest way to check it is to lay down on the right side. If you feel uncomfortable, it means that your liver is enlarged. After one week, I came back to milk thistle again. I want to say something clearly: I know now that I shouldn't have stopped the treatment. I was afraid to eat anything not to end up in a bathroom and feel more and more pain. I also think that I haven't got rid of everything yet. My liver is still enlarged. I only started moving a little bit of everything that has been stored there for over 43 years.
I am very interested in herbs. I have tried many different methods to clean my body. I agree with your opinion. This is a normal process of detoxification. During the first period, I highly recommend different herbs that support detoxification of bowels.
Hello. I have read online that you should take a maximum dose of siylmarin of 420 mg per day and it should be divided into three portions. There is 5% of silymarin in milk thistle. According to calculations, it gives 84 grams of milk thistle for a day – it means 3 large spoons.
And here is my question: I have blended 3 big spoons of milk thistle and weighted it. It shown only 50 grams. Why? I think I should blend more than 5 spoons to get 84 grams. Could you explain it please?
I will be grateful if you can tell me what is the daily milk thistle dose I should use. Is it better to chew seeds or blend them?
Thank you for your answer. And what can you tell me about the daily dose?
Hello. My name is Ann. I have been having problems with my liver for a long time. I had my gall bladder removed 5 years ago. I was taking silymarin quite often, but I have then learnt about milk thistle and I started taking it every day two spoons. Besides pain in my liver, I also feel pain in the right side of my lane. I talked to my doctor and she said that there is nothing to be worried about. Could you tell me what it can be?
Thank you a lot.
Cancer can have many reasons, but the main one is total acidity of the body and thus formation of fungus. While in the initial phase, cancer usually has a white colour. Milk thistle is a wonderful plant. It helps to get rid of many dangerous health problems, even though you may not know they exist. I highly recommend it.
I recommend milk thistle to everybody. Firstly I have begun to take it to protect my liver as it is a source of silymarin . But I have already been using it for two months together with vitamin B, zinc, vitamin C and flaxseed oil, the condition of my skin improved a lot. I have had many pimples on my forehead before and I am very happy because I have randomly find a solution to a problem I have been struggling with for the last 2-3 years. Milk thistle is cheap and its effects are spectacular. Even much more expensive cosmetics and medications do not let you get such wonderful effects. I believe the final results depends on your body. But when it comes to me, it works perfectly.
I have been taking milk thistle for about a month. I had a very oily skin and I saw a huge difference after a very short time. But I am taking it mainly for my liver. Three days ago there was a big party going on. I drank quite much. The next day I felt awful. I felt really strong pain in the right side of my body. I have never experienced anything like that after alcohol. It may be a result of the milk thistle detoxication treatment. I have read somewhere that milk thistle works even better with alcohol, lol. Let's see. Everything looks new to me. But I try to stop drinking too much. My liver has been suffering for a while – this is why I got interested in milk thistle. I like to eat well too, but I try to eat healthy as often as possible. Unfortunately, I smoke. That's why I haven't expected any positive results after a month. I will visit a doctor soon as I am really curious. But I don't think I will stop taking milk thistle. It works well on concentration and mind. That's all from my side. Have a good day!
I would like to start taking milk thistle, but just after one spoon I felt a really strong pain in my stomach. I felt dizzy and wanted to vomit. Is it normal? Did anybody else experienced something similar?
While I was pregnant, I had cholestatis. I feel that my liver is suffering now. Can I try the milk thistle treatment? I still breastfeed my baby from time to time. My daughter is 2,5 years old. Sometimes I feel really strong pain. For example now, I feel my liver right under my ribs, like during pregnancy :(.
I learn that I have a cyst on my liver. I am waiting now for more detailed examination. A few days ago I bought milk thistle drops and I have been taking one does of 20 drops in the morning and in the evening. After two days I started feeling bad and sleepy. I got fever and became very thirty. My doctor sent me to hospital. Now, after reading it, I think that it was caused by quick detoxication. How can I make the detoxication easier and even quicker? What other herbs can I use together with milk thistle? Thanks!